Premier SIPS named #1 Structural Brand by Green Builder!

PROJECT PROFILE: Arizona Retirement Community

PROJECT PROFILE:  La Posada Retirement Community  |  Tucson, AZ  |  View Project Profile (pdf)

“A 50 percent savings for the consumer is our goal on all power usage and much of that will happen by using structural insulated panels (SIPs) instead of wood frame construction.  It’s one of the greenest products out there.”  – Richard Barna, Pepper-Viner Homes

attachment-4.ashx_1-e1413219135704SIPs help reduce heating and cooling energy consumption up to 60%, and assist in reducing job site waste by up to two-thirds

In a desert retirement community south of Tucson, Arizona, 35 energy-efficient homes rely on Premier Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) to help lower heating and cooling costs for residents.  The Park Centre Homes at La Posada being built by Pepper Viner Homes provide seniors 75 years and older with environmentally responsible individual residences.  In conjunction with high-efficiency appliances, energy-efficient windows and doors, and other green features, the homes used SIPs for superior insulation and energy cost savings, comfort, indoor air quality and lower construction waste.

Energy-efficient home design is vital in all Park Centre homes.  Exterior walls incorporate Premier SIPs that provide a solid, continuous insulation that will not compress over time.  SIPs provide greater heat insulation, eliminate waste during construction, and improve the efficiency of heating/air conditioning  equipment as well as indoor air quality.  The Park Centre Homes at La Posada used Premier SIPs with a 6-inch thick foam core for the walls, providing an R-24 insulation value – about 26% better than walls of similar thickness built with studs and fiberglass batt insulation.

attachment-50.ashx_-e1413220172496-1024x512TIGHTER ENVELOPE: SIPs create a tighter envelope significantly reducing air infiltrations and outside pollutants, creating exceptional indoor air quality and a healthier environment

attachment-14.ashx_-e1413220383541-1024x637WARRANTY: Peace of mind with a warranty. Huge advantages as traditional framing methods offer no warranty.

attachment-9.ashx_-e1413220355936-1024x653FAST CLOSE IN: Buildings remain affordable with faster framing time due to no need for separate on-site framing and insulation work


Energy Efficient & Cost Effective:  Structures regularly save up to 60% heating and cooling costs, significantly preserving fossil fuels

Fast Installation:  Large prefabricated panels are easy to install.  Training of framing crews in minimal, saving thousands on labor costs and building ‘dry in’ time

Healthy:  Superior indoor air quality with reduced infiltration of outside pollutants, which can benefit those with respiratory ailments

Design Flexibility:  Virtually any Type V design can accommodate SIPs

Environmentally Responsible:  SIPs produce 30% less job-site waste than traditional construction

Easy to Operate:  Tight building envelope reduces HVAC mechanical equipment sizes and related heating and cooling over the life of each building


Owner:  La Posada, Not-For-Profit Continuing Care Retirement

Designer:  Park Centre Homes

Project Size:  3 Floor-plans, 1,958 sq. ft., 2,195 sq. ft., & 1,669 sq. ft

Premier SIPs Used:  6″ Walls, 35 total homes

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As the oldest SIP manufacturer, Premier SIPS offers a superior building envelope framing system for commercial and residential structures. Contact an expert in your region to discuss your next project or to explore the benefits and cost savings when designing and building with SIPs.

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