Premier SIPS named #1 Structural Brand by Green Builder!

News from Premier SIPS

Helpful articles, news, and tips from our team of SIPs experts.

Company News

Eco-Fabulous Home Down the Street wins National Green Building Award

Good friend and partner, TC Legend Homes & Zero-Energy Plans was one of eleven home building professionals awarded in a..

Company News

Premier SIPS Bring Home Top Honors in 2012 Building Excellence Awards

We were thrilled to be honored during The Structural Insulated Panel Association’s (SIPA) 10th Annual 2012 Building..

Company News

PSIPS receive SIPA awards for energy efficient & sustainable SIP projects

Building Excellence Awards highlight innovative projects using SIPs as the basis for energy-efficient, green buildings. See..

Company News

EnergyValue Housing Awards® Winners Rely on Premier Building Systems

The EnergyValue Housing Awards Gold and Silver Winners relied on Premier Building Systems for their roofing needs. Check it..

Company News

Premier Building Systems SIPs Rated Tops in Brand Preference Survey

Building industry professionals have rated Premier Building Systems as the preferred brand of structural insulated panels in..


New Net-Zero Energy Ready Seattle Area Public School for 47% Less Energy Use than Stringent EnergyStar Target

The Lake Washington School District in suburban Seattle is building a new public school designed to be more energy efficient.

Company News

Zuni Christian Mission School Breaks Ground on New Facility Using Advanced Building Method

Native American students in northwestern New Mexico will enjoy a new, environmentally friendly school constructed with..

Company News

New Camp Buildings Model Green Construction for Southern California School Children

Camp Cuyamaca chooses Premier Building Systems for their green construction in their lodging. Check it out!

Company News

Premier SIPs Used in Several EnergyValue Housing Awards Homes

Three of the winning homes in the NAHB Research Center and U.S. Department of Energy nationwide “2010 EnergyValue Housing..


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As the oldest SIP manufacturer, Premier SIPS offers a superior building envelope framing system for commercial and residential structures. Contact an expert in your region to discuss your next project or to explore the benefits and cost savings when designing and building with SIPs.

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