Premier SIPS named #1 Structural Brand by Green Builder!

News from Premier SIPS

Helpful articles, news, and tips from our team of SIPs experts.

Design Professionals

Tech Talk:  CLT and Continuous Insulation (Ci): A Perfect Match

Discover how CLT and R-Shield continuous insulation combine to meet energy codes and enhance building performance in low-..

Design Professionals

Stronger by Design: Why SIPs Outperform Traditional Framing

Discover why Premier SIPS outperform traditional framing, offering unmatched strength, resilience, and versatility for..

WEBINAR 1/28:  How to Transform Your Projects With Panelized SIPs Construction

Upcoming Webinars: Our local Premier Reps are trained and certified to present AIA-approved courses in person or remotely..

Tech Talk: Premier SIPS Updated ESR & New ESL - Expanding Design Flexibility

We’ve updated our ICC ESR-4524 and introduced a new ESL, giving designers more flexibility when specifying Premier SIPS.

Design Professionals

The Integrated Power of SIPs: 4 Products in 1

Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) are a smart, integrated solution for your building envelope that combines four critical..

Design Professionals

Tech Talk: SIPs Roofed The Right Way - Sloped Roof Deck Assemblies

SIPS must be covered with roof underlayment and cladding systems in a thoughtful building science manner that pairs with..


Forbes: Aspen Vodka Becomes The World's Largest Carbon-Negative Distillery

Premier SIPS is thrilled to have provided structural insulated panels for this energy-efficient, award-winning Aspen..

Design Professionals

Build Stronger: Creating Disaster-Resistant Structures with SIPs

SIPs provide a durable solution for building structures to resist extreme conditions like fires, floods, hurricanes, &..

Building Owners

Boosting Construction Efficiency, Reducing Budget Overruns with SIPs

Discover how SIPs accelerate construction without sacrificing quality, reducing costs and benefiting every phase of your..


Find Your Local Rep

As the oldest SIP manufacturer, Premier SIPS offers a superior building envelope framing system for commercial and residential structures. Contact an expert in your region to discuss your next project or to explore the benefits and cost savings when designing and building with SIPs.

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