Premier SIPS named #1 Structural Brand by Green Builder!

News from Premier SIPS

Helpful articles, news, and tips from our team of SIPs experts.


The Year of the Tiny House

Artisan Tiny House Newsletter, April Update After spending over thirty years trying to get folks to build smaller, more..


Modular Marvels

Seattle-based GreenPod offers factory- and site-built homes that are sustainable to the last detail. See more details about..


New Bellingham Solar Co-Housing Project Powers Itself & Two Electric Cars

Construction began this month on a new kind of home that will generate more energy than it uses. Nicknamed the Power House,..

Design Professionals

Watch The Extreme Speed of SIPS: Home Installed in One Day!

Building systems with an acceleration advantage is key these days for builders and developers. Watch our time-lapse video to..


12 Steps to an Energy Efficient Home from Award Winning Builders

Whether you are talking about green building, sustainability, or Zero Net Energy, I think the common theme between these..


A Southern California Rustic Home, Big in Style & Small in Footprint

Want to reduce your footprint and build a house with low environmental impact? Read our blog for more information on how you..


The SIMPLE Kind of PreFab- the PopUP House

A couple of years ago House Port released a SIMPLE and new sustainable alternative to traditional manufactured homes called..

Design Professionals

SIPS & Timber Framing, A Natural Blend

Timber framing, a timeless beauty, has been around for centuries and has been used in almost every architectural style..


A Net-Zero-Energy House for $125 a Square Foot

The housing bubble had burst, the banks weren’t lending, and we were newlyweds who had no business even thinking about..


Find Your Local Rep

As the oldest SIP manufacturer, Premier SIPS offers a superior building envelope framing system for commercial and residential structures. Contact an expert in your region to discuss your next project or to explore the benefits and cost savings when designing and building with SIPs.

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