Premier SIPS named #1 Structural Brand by Green Builder!

News from Premier SIPS

Helpful articles, news, and tips from our team of SIPs experts.


Green Begets Green: Why Can’t We Get Past the ‘Perceived’ Cost of Building Green?

Unfortunately, the perceived cost of going green is what deters most from building green and energy-efficient. Learn more on..

Company News

Premier Building Systems SIPs Rated Tops in Brand Preference Survey

Building industry professionals have rated Premier Building Systems as the preferred brand of structural insulated panels in..


From the Drafting Table: Moving from Sticks to SIPs in your Designs

The 2030 Challenge is on and here in California, we have officially begun the CalGreen era where NetZero buildings are the..


Bringing Multifamily Housing Quality and Affordability

If you are designing or building a multifamily project, why not use a material that can save everyone involved in the..


Park City, Utah Makes National Headlines. PSIPs Ecstatic To Be Part Of It!

GreenBuilder Magazine stated, “This year’s most outstanding green home is not only dazzling to behold but it’s also heated..


Increase The Predicted Energy Efficiency of Homes and Commercial Buildings

A SIP building envelope has an extremely high whole wall R-Value and low levels of air infiltration, reducing the overall..


Bertschi School Science Wing uses Premier SIP panels

This amazing education building project was designed PRO-BONO by the Restorative Design Collective. Keep reading to learn..


New Net-Zero Energy Ready Seattle Area Public School for 47% Less Energy Use than Stringent EnergyStar Target

The Lake Washington School District in suburban Seattle is building a new public school designed to be more energy efficient.

SIPS Basics

Ask a SIP Expert: life expectancy of SIP

Ask a SIP Expert: life expectancy of SIPs on a timber frame. “Ask a SIP Expert” is a great new weekly feature from the..


Find Your Local Rep

As the oldest SIP manufacturer, Premier SIPS offers a superior building envelope framing system for commercial and residential structures. Contact an expert in your region to discuss your next project or to explore the benefits and cost savings when designing and building with SIPs.

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