Premier SIPS named #1 Structural Brand by Green Builder!

News from Premier SIPS

Helpful articles, news, and tips from our team of SIPs experts.


Stimulus Funds Help Construct National Wildlife Refuge

The new Audubon National Wildlife Refuge headquarters and visitor center is the first of 11 buildings completely renovated..

Design Professionals

From The Drafting Board: SIPs May Cause Pets To Go Boneless!

SIPs may cause your pets to go boneless! Learn more about how SIPs help keep your pets comfortable and lazy with our heating..


The Green Access Home at Suncadia: Contemporary Mountain Cabin Showcases Affordable Sustainability

In the Cascade Mountains of Washington State, a vacation home tucked in the pines shows that green construction can be..

Design Professionals

Multi-Story Building Envelopes: Run Best on Blend of Insulation & Circulation

Experts agree that an energy efficient building starts with the building envelope. Learn more about how SIPs can help energy..


Net-Zero, Passive, Living Buildings, What Does It All Mean?

With so many energy efficiency building terms and challenges out there, what is what? We laid this out in laymen’s terms and..


It’s Your Green…Start Off Right

Deciding to build green can mean you have to change relationships and make tough choices. Learn more about going green on..


From The Drafting Table: CalGreen Is Here- What’s a Californian To Do?

I don’t mean to rub it into the rest of the country, who have had heinous winter weather to deal with this season, but here..


Are We Trashing Our Future?

Are we trashing our future? Keep reading our blog to learn some facts about trash and landfills and how they impact the..

Company News

EnergyValue Housing Awards® Winners Rely on Premier Building Systems

The EnergyValue Housing Awards Gold and Silver Winners relied on Premier Building Systems for their roofing needs. Check it..


Find Your Local Rep

As the oldest SIP manufacturer, Premier SIPS offers a superior building envelope framing system for commercial and residential structures. Contact an expert in your region to discuss your next project or to explore the benefits and cost savings when designing and building with SIPs.

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